Staff Training

Free PSHE and RSHE training webinars are available at Chameleon PDE

Topics include:

  • Leading PSHE / PD in secondary schools (introductory)

  • Primary PSHE/ HWB Subject Leadership - effective and impactful strategies

  • Tackling the influence of online misogynists - Secondary Schools 

  • Effective assessment in PSHE - Secondary Schools

Jigsaw also provide free webinars:

Topics include:

  • Statutory RSHE requirements including LGBT+ relationships.
  • Update your PSHE/RSHE policy in 30 minutes.
  • When and how do we teach human reproduction, and what about IVF, same-sex parents, ...?
  • How do we approach relationships and gender identity in Secondary PSHE?
  • RSHE overview for Governors - what do you need to know and what might Ofsted ask you?   
  • How do we approach gender identity in primary PSHE?
  • Managing difficult and unexpected questions in RSHE 

Charlie Waller Memorial Trust provides free training on a whole school approach to mental health: Free mental Health Training.

Anna Freud provides free online training on anti-racism and mental health in schools. Black and racially minoritised young people can experience racism in many areas of their lives - including at school. Experiencing racism can have significant mental health consequences for young people.. Staff will learn practical strategies for tackling racism in schools, and how to introduce a whole-school approach to anti-racism and mental health.


Bitesize training on speaking up for children

NSPCC is encouraging every adult in the UK to Listen up, Speak up for children by offering FREE bitesize training.

1) Sign up to complete the 10 minute free digital training Listen up, Speak up | NSPCC

2) Sign up to host an hour-long workshop at your school, club or community group. Contact Emma for more details:


This includes basic safeguarding training and core modules. 

Training Information - Swindon Safeguarding Partnership

UTURN offers harm reduction work as well as structured treatment. UTURN would like to offer education providers the opportunity to deliver staff training as well as us delivering drug education to groups of YP. If this is something you might like to enquire more about, please email Becky Lewis -

Anti-bullying Alliance has developed free CPD-certified anti-bullying online training for anyone that works with children and young people: Free CPD online training (


RSHE Training for Teachers and Leadership

Teaching about relationships, sex and health - GOV.UK (

Sex and relationships (RSE) training courses for teachers and school leaders | NSPCC Learning


A whole-school approach to food

November 2024: The National Governance Association (NGA) has launched a new Learning Link e-learning module: A whole-school approach to food, developed in partnership with the Department for Education (DfE). The module, which is free to all governing board members, provides essential guidance on the legal requirements and best practices for maintaining and enhancing school food standards. Focusing on the pivotal role governing boards play in promoting student health and well-being, it offers a structured journey through understanding the School Food Standards, including why they matter, how they impact students, and what boards can do to exceed the standards and support pupil welfare. The content covers key areas such as the board’s oversight responsibilities, creating policies, and effectively monitoring school food provision. Through this training, board members will understand the legal and practical elements of food standards, ensuring that schools meet and set an example in nutrition and healthy practices.All governors and trustees can access the module free via the Learning Link Trial Site. Existing subscribers can access it via the Learning Link platform.

DfE provides a training presentation for teachers on teaching healthy eating: 

Food, a Fact of Life provide free training modules on a whole-school approaches to food: