Case studies

When we visit schools we are keen to encourage the sharing of healthy schools activity. We would like you to share work that you are doing, are proud of, or think others would be interested in.

This is not about shiny perfect practice neither is it about setting some schools up above others. Rather it is about creating synergy by allowing schools to benefit from not having to start from scratch every time. It is also about allowing the innovative ideas of some to spark others into doing further exciting and effective work.

If you have stories, studies or practice taking place in your school that you would like to share, contact us


In October 2024. Dorcan Academy proudly hosted their first Growth Mindset Day, an exciting opportunity for their pupils to broaden their horizons, engage in new experiences, and further develop their character. For Year 7, the focus was on the vibrant world of carnivals. Students immersed themselves in everything carnival-related, from energetic Samba dancing to the creative art of mask-making, embracing this theme’s joy and cultural richness. Year 8 students were challenged to demonstrate resilience through a variety of team-building activities. These exercises tested their ability to work together, overcome obstacles, and support one another, fostering a strong sense of community and determination. Year 9 students participated in alternative sports activities and had the opportunity to learn sign language, broadening their skills and experiences. Meanwhile, Year 10 Geography pupils embarked on their fieldwork in Bristol, applying their classroom knowledge to real-world settings, and enhancing their geographical skills through hands-on experience. Year 11 Historians had the invaluable opportunity to visit Hampton Court Palace, where they explored the rich history of Elizabethan England, bringing their studies to life and deepening their understanding of this pivotal period.

Images: Year 7 carnival themed sessions at Dorcan Academy as part of their Growth Mindset Day.


Drove Academy has provided us with the following case study that outlines their compassionate approach to healthy weight in schools. Does your school have a case study to share? Drove Primary Case Study January 2024