Autumn 2024/Winter 2025: Swindon Pupils Voice Survey on Mental Health and Wellbeing

Thank you for completing this with your pupils from November 2024 - January 2025. The survey is now closed. Please watch this space for the results. 


School Survey privacy statement for pupils

Download the privacy statement here. 


School Surveys

This page holds the results of the social norms surveys, known as the How Are You? - Survey by schools. We carry out the annual survey in our secondary schools to learn about the changing behaviours of young people as they get older.

The analysis of the survey helps us provide a personalised approach to the support required by our schools, so they can teach an effective and meaningful PSHE curriculum.


The results to the 2023-2024 How Are You? pupils’ voice survey for Year 8 and Year 10 pupils in Swindon have been published and are available to view at on the surveys page of the JSNA website. 

Thanks to all of you who supported pupils to complete the survey. 

The survey is carried out in Swindon’s secondary schools to learn about the changing behaviours of young people as they get older. The analysis of the survey helps Swindon’s public health team to provide a personalised approach to the support required by our schools, so that schools can provide an effective and meaningful PSHE curriculum and to inform their whole school approach to wellbeing. The findings include data on social norms; offering an insight into what pupils believe to be the risk behaviours of their peers, versus the reality. These data can be a powerful tool when engaging with young people in order to correct misperceptions of perceived norms.

This year, the results include gender and ethnicity comparisons, providing a helpful insight around inequalities on several issues including mental health and wellbeing, drugs, alcohol, smoking, vaping and other risk taking behaviours.

Please see below links to the years 8 and 10 social norms data that Swindon Secondary school pupils provided as part of the How are You? survey in the Autumn/Winter term. Thanks to those of you who worked with your pupils to complete the surveys. You may wish to share these short 2-3 minute films with your pupils in a PSHE lesson. In particular, they include some very powerful social norms data.

Year 8 Survey Video

Year 10 Survey Video

The following powerpoint slides can be used in your PSHE lessons to feed back to pupils about actual risk taking behaviour and perceptions data in Swindon. E.g. the proportion of pupils reporting that they vape in relation to how many of their peers they believe to vape. You can either show the pupils these slides all at once, or pull out the relevant slides for certain topics. If you would like this in PPT version rather than PDF, please contact us

Year 8

Year 10


Results for 2022:

Year 10

Results for 2021:

Due to Covid we missed two years of surveying the young people, so we surveyed three year groups in 2021 to see the impact of Covid in young people, Year 7, Year 9 and Year 11.

Year 7    Year 9    Year 11                                          

Results from March 2019


Annual SEND Survey

Our aspiration is for every child and young person in Swindon to be safe from harm and abuse, be enabled to reach their full potential and develop skills for life, enjoy healthy lifestyles, and be a happy and active member of the community.

We want every child and young person with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to make excellent progress through access to high quality support.  This means having sufficient and good quality services and provision that responds to local need and that the right help is available at the right time.

To achieve our aims we know that everyone needs to work together to plan services and this means listening to parents/carers, young people and the people delivering the services about what is working well and what could work better.

The purpose of this survey is to ensure we have a way of annually measuring opinions and experiences of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) services in Swindon from those receiving and delivering help, advice and support. 

The results can be viewed via the following link: Swindon Local Offer - Annual SEND Survey