A Healthy School is...
- One that promotes physical and emotional health, by providing accessible and relevant information at a universal level.
- One which equips pupils and staff with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health.
- One which is successful in helping pupils to do their best and build on their achievements.
- One that is committed to ongoing improvement and development, where students are happy, confident and healthy - in every aspect of decision making linked to their health.
- One which understands the importance of investing in health to assist in the process of raising children and young people's achievement levels.
- One that sees the importance of improving standards and the need to provide a physical and social environment conducive to work and learning.
- One that involves the whole school community, parents, governors, staff and pupils.
- One that improves children's health and happiness.
- One that helps children to get the most out of life to reduce inequalities.