The Healthy Schools Award         

The Swindon healthy schools award supports and rewards schools for meeting local and public health needs, alongside the annual Healthy Schools baseline audit. The three-tier award (bronze, silver and gold), takes a progressive approach and at each level recognising the additional measures schools have taken to:

  • Address and identify national and local health priorities 

  • Ensure health and wellbeing are key areas of school improvement

  • Prioritise the most disadvantaged children and young people

  • Support other schools by sharing practice 

  • Support staff wellbeing

  • Identify and tackle key priorities and meet the challenges set by Ofsted

  • Encourage close work with parents/carers and the wider community to bring about changes in health behaviours.

The three-tier award consists of:

  • Bronze level - this is awarded to schools that complete the online whole school health and wellbeing framework and achieve the requirements.
  • Silver level - in addition to holding a Bronze Award, your school will need to analyse pupils’ needs, and identify actions to help improve an aspect of health and wellbeing of your pupils, e.g. maintain a healthy weight, healthy lifestyle or improve emotional wellbeing. This includes a targeted approach and one school-wide action, and your school will need to make plans for how the changes will be delivered and measured.
  • Gold level - in addition to holding the Silver Award,your school will need to show the impact of the changes you have made and that these are sustainable. Your school will need to show how it has engaged the wider community, and supported others to help pupils maintain; healthy weight, healthy lifestyle or emotional wellbeing, including that of the school staff.

Please use the annual Healthy Schools baseline audit. to help prepare for your audit. When submitting for the awards, complete the online audit for the Bronze award and complete the appropriate documentation for either the Silver and Gold award. The online audit is be available to complete on the awards area of this website

Swindon's Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Award

This award has been designed for Swindon Schools to recognise the provisions schools have put in place to support young people and school staff and review areas they wish/plan to develop further.

The key concept of this award is to improve and raise attainment across the school, the five focus areas include: whole school mental and emotional health, anti-bullying, targeted support, staff emotional wellbeing, staff training and development needs.

The award lasts for two years after receiving the certificate.

For more information, see Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Award

B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire Asthma Friendly Schools Award

For more information, see Asthma Friendly Schools : Swindon Healthy Schools